CE Courses

Professional development and continuing education is necessary to remain sharp and informed in managing workers’ compensation claims. For our customers who are licensed adjusters looking for continuing education credits, we offer courses relevant to medical and vocational case management of workers’ compensation claims. Descriptions are provided below for applicable courses. Contact a marketing representative for assistance with scheduling a course.

Back Injuries: Perspective from a Rehab Nurse Lions, Knees & Shoulders, Oh My!
Course # 71808 - Course Hours: 3

A working knowledge discussion and overview of the back, knee and shoulder anatomy is provided. Medical management of injuries to the back, knee and shoulder is explored with specific diagnoses to include signs and symptoms, appropriate testing and expected treatment. An effort is made to provide “best practice” length of disability for each diagnosis. Return-to-work issues are also addressed.

Determining the Appropriate Vocational Services for the Workers’ Compensation Claimant
Course #71154 - Course Hours: 2

This training course will provide a summary of the varying reports that can be generated to document employability. The Rehab Rules as they relate to vocational rehabilitation will be discussed in order to become familiar with the boundaries established by the Industrial Commission for case managers. Digital job analysis will be explained as a visual tool that expedites return to work and clarifies the physical demands of a job for the injured worker, plaintiff attorney, treating physician and other involved parties. Lastly, job placement will be critiqued in order to determine when it is appropriate.

The 3 C’s of Catastrophic Case Management
Course #75114 - Course Hours: 2

The medical management of frequently encountered work-place injuries can be challenging. What happens when such injuries are considered “catastrophic”? Such injuries may include, but certainly are not limited to, head/brain injuries, severe burn injuries, loss of limb and spinal injuries resulting in partial or total paralysis. The purpose of this course is to define the catastrophic injury, identify treatment, prognosis and resources for dealing with these complex cases.

Removing Barriers to Employment
Course #75822 - Course Hours: 2

This course addresses the barriers that can arise in difficult workers’ compensation claims. The participant will learn to identify and manage common barriers to the successful return-to-work process. Learn the importance of good communication and maintaining positive professional relationships to bring about case resolution. Discover how a detailed rehabilitation plan can work for the benefit of the injured worker and the employer.

Medical Terminology & Anatomy for the Management of Workers’ Comp Claims
Course #76547 - Course Hours: 2

The purpose of this course is to identify the anatomy, medical terminology, diagnostic tests and treatment for frequently encountered workers’ compensation injuries. Course direction will focus on injuries to the back, shoulder (rotator cuff, bursitis), wrist (carpal tunnel) and knee (meniscus and tendon tears).

Addressing Return to Work Challenges
Course #2490 - Course Hours: 2

Think outside the box to address return-to-work challenges. Apply accountability standards to each profession to avoid frustration with excuses; rather, have a proactive strategy to bring about case resolution. Participants will learn how to stay on the rehabilitation track to bring about positive results. Learn tips in dealing with difficult injured workers and difficult attorneys. Stay on top of trends in the field of vocational rehabilitation.

Excellence in Medical Case Management for the Injured Worker
Course #3177 - Course Hours: 2

Learn how medical case management professionals can assist adjusters and employers with handling difficult aspects of workers’ compensation claims. The course reviews the role of the nurse case manager in the claims process from early intervention following a reported injury, medical coordination of care, laying the groundwork for clear and concise communication between all parties, coordinating effective return-to-work and case resolution.

Improving Employability in Desperate Times
Course #5781 - Course Hours: 2

The job search process can be perplexing and difficult for everyday job-seekers. Add a workers’ compensation injury into the equation, and the job search process becomes more difficult. However, successful results can be achieved. Learn about the tools of successful vocational rehabilitation and how those tools can be put to work for your injured employees and for resourceful handling of your claims.

Improving Your Ability to Manage Following a Work-Related Accident
Course #207046 - Course Hours: 2

NOTE: This course is not yet approved; however, it is designed for a two hour discussion and can be submitted for approval if selected.

This training course will evaluate the current labor market and related costs of workers’ compensation injuries. The participant will learn the benefits of implementing a return to work plan with an employer along with related responsibilities. Modified work, alternate-duty work and light duty work will be explained along with coping skills for dealing with difficult workers. Lastly, if an injured worker cannot return to work for the employer of injury, the resulting impact on the worker’s employability will be analyzed.

The Ethics of Handling North Carolina Workers’ Compensation Claims: A Comprehensive Guide to Putting the Theory into Practice
Course #96633 - Course Hours: 3

This training course explores ethical concepts and regulations in insurance with a focus on ethical considerations in the context of managing NC workers’ compensation claims. A unique perspective is discussed and reviewed regarding the rehab rules for medical and vocational case managers. Interactive overview of North Carolina case law dealing with adjuster and case manager conduct issues in workers’ compensation cases is presented along with a guided group discussion of how to apply ethical guidelines to obtain better outcomes for all parties.

Talk to the Hand: Common Hand Injuries
Course #203990 - Course Hours: 2

This course explores common hand injuries often seen in workers’ compensation claims. Injuries discussed include lacerations, amputations, trigger finger injuries, DeQuervain’s tenosynovitis, carpal tunnel syndrome and fractures. Diagnosis, prognosis and return to work guidelines are discussed and compared.

Strategies to Reduce Workers’ Comp Costs
Course #204205 - Course Hours: 1

This one-hour course explores ways employers and their claims representatives can use medical and vocational case management strategies to reduce costs of workers’ comp claims.

Complex Regional Pain Syndrome: A Patient’s Perspective
Course #206479 - Course Hours: 1

This one-hour course offers insight into the often misunderstood diagnosis of Chronic Regional Pain Syndrome and documents a patient’s progression through diagnosis and treatment.

Ergonomics: Improvements for a Safer Workplace
Course #TBD - Course Hours: 1

NOTE: This course is not yet approved; however, it is designed for a one hour discussion and can be submitted for approval if selected.

This one-hour course defines ergonomics and musculoskeletal disorders (MSD). Risk factors are identified along with engineering and administrative controls to reduce ergonomics hazards. Implementation of ergonomic best practices for safety in the workplace is discussed.

If you are interested in a CE course, please call or email a marketing representative